Saturday, September 26, 2015

Another House in the Wylde Kingdom

I spent my day hanging around Norm's Dollhouse.

I was there to see about a house. 

 Nah, not this one. Though I love the Westminster a lot.

No, this was a different house. And it's not even for me.

Yeah, you might think I meant the Lace House. And there IS one of those moving in.

It's not for me either, though I do love this house.

No... this was an entirely new house, but one we've wanted for a long, long time.

I came to see about a Pepperwood Farm a Norm's customer was bringing in for us.

We love this house. It's fully enclosed, which is AWESOME (and a lot less drafty if you're a pixie living in it).

And they brought us THIS! A beautifully constructed Pepperwood Farm shell!

Oh sure, it doesn't look like much now, but the carpentry on this is magnificent, and the shell is the foundation and thus the most important part of the whole house.

It's spacious. It's supposed to be a farm house, but the ceilings down here are 12" tall.

I can totally see a Christmas Tree going right here, in this beautiful bay. *sigh* I love bay windows.

There is so much potential in this house.

 They did this super cool modification and instead of sloping roof, they gave it a deck! A DECK! AWESOME!

No, it isn't my house (I have one already) but I think I may know just the pixies for this. We'll have to see.

Once we get it back to the Kingdom, we can let everyone wander through it and see who falls in love.

I'll keep you posted.

- Miri

P.S. If you'd like to see more pictures of this house, they're here - Meeting the Pepperwood Farm on Midnight in the Dollhouse.