Monday, September 06, 2010

Gus and Salome - Another Update by Devika

Hello, Blog Friends!

So Miranda moved. I told you about that already.

OH! But, speaking of moving, I have to tell you about Gus and Salome!

So, They met about a year and half ago, at Clara's Coffee Shoppe, where Gus works. And they fell in love right at first sight. They started dating, and became completely inseparable.

Last Christmas Eve, Gus took Salome to the "Winter Wonderland" set up next to Clara's.

Salome thought that they were there just for a romantic walk among the Christmas trees.

But Gus really took her there to propose! It was so romantic!

And, of course, Salome said yes.

Ever since then, they've been planning their wedding for "someday." They want to have a house to move into after they're married.

Gus works very hard at the coffee shop. And Salome still works nights for the Gnome Corps, though she got promoted from mushroom placement to lichenscaping.

And she gives piano lessons at pixies' homes during the day to try to make some extra cash.

They've both been saving up all their money to buy a house so they can get married, but it's never quite enough, so they just patiently wait for a "someday" that might never come.

Which is why we pixies got involved.

When Miranda moved out of her cabin, she put it up for sale. I talked her into giving us a really good price for it....

... and we started moving in furniture. When we were finished, we skeedaddled, and invited them to a housewarming party. We gave them directions so they could find the house.

Gus and Salome were so surprised! But I think they were really, really happy.

Miranda's old piano is still in the house, so Salome can give lessons from home now.

Gus got his own study, with a desk and everything. A little bird told me that he wanted to write a novel, so maybe now he will.

I hope it'll be a very cozy place for them.

Oh, it's nothing fancy, but I think with some love it could be a great home for them.

And a terrific place to start a family.

Being kind of old fashioned, they don't want to live together until they're married. I think it's sweet.

But she wanted to start getting the house ready, so she's moved into the house and has been making it more "homey" for them.

Their wedding is now set for December, at the Winter Wonderland where Gus first proposed! Isn't that just the most romantic thing EVER?

Oh, there's still so much to tell you about, but for now I really must get some sleep. *yawn* Night night, blog friends. I will talk to you again soon!
- Devika