Tuesday, December 20, 2011

C&M Christmas Party: Part 2

(Edit: Part 1 of the Christmas Party Pictures is here - Christmas Party Pt 1)

More pictures from our Christmas Party last Sunday! Check it out.

C.J. looking like he should own the place. Also, photo bomb by Phoebe. *shaking head* That girl!

Sasha and Juno watching the party.

Harley Haug, looking quite festive.

Tabby, the other reindeer.

Me and Tabby.

Some of the goodies that the Wightwick Manor folks catered for us. It was all delicious.

Ophelia staring out the window.

Clara and I taking in what might have been the master bedroom. It's one of the most beautiful rooms in the whole house.

Clara, pondering just how much a place like this would cost. And if we could do a fund raiser for it.

Clara, deep in thought on the balcony. I think she looks really pretty in this picture.

Phoebe hanging around by that gorgeous Christmas tree in the library.

Ophelia deep in discussion about... Christmas trees? Who knows?

Phoebe has spotted the cake.

Me, guarding the cake. And photo bomb by Phoebe. *sigh*

Roo and Sadie, looking quite festive.

Sasha and Harley hanging around.

And that's it for Madera's candid shots. However... she stayed after the rest of us left to photograph the house after dark.

She took some amazing pictures of an amazing house. I'll share those with you next time!

- Miri