Monday, October 22, 2012

Miranda and the Green Elephant - Pt 1

We find Miranda on a rather uneventful Sunday morning, at C&M Books and Coffee. 

*okay, enough web surfing*

*there has to be SOMETHING I need to get done today*

*but what?*

*I hung up Lelu's signs for her candy shop grand opening. That's going to be a blast.*

*I tried all of our Halloween treats, and I think if I eat any more I will be sick.*

*Put out all of the "horror" books we've got... so what's left?*

*Hmm... well, I could go see if the Green Elephant is open*

*Sebastian and Eris aren't around. They take Sundays off.*

*Apparently so does whoever runs the Green Elephant. Though they seem to take EVERY day off.*

 *The glass bird.... I want it. A lot*

*Well, maybe they're just a "walk on in" kind of place?... Locked, I guess not.*

*Well... shoot."

*But there HAS to be a way in. I could just leave some money on the counter and a note and take the bird if I could just get IN...Hmm....*

(To be continued on Wednesday, October 24th)