Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Just Between Fronds: Where the Plants Have Eyes

My buddy, Devika, took over the Wylde Kingdom plant shop here, and named it "Just Between Fronds". Which I think is pretty cute.

She started out with pretty standard houseplants. But it IS a pixie place, so of COURSE something weird was going to happen.

Meet the Rocky Mountain Eyeris.

While I like looking at plants, it's a little weird having one that looks BACK at you.

Devika called to tell me she had two baby eyerises that were just about to open their eyes. This is quite a sight to see.

They're very pretty plants.

Sort of cute in the right light.

And the "right light" for these guys would be indirect sunlight, unless you want to buy sunglasses for your houseplants.

That's a lot of eyeballs, right there.

These two babies are on their way to Norm's Dollhouse to find new homes. Devika said that they tend to bond to their handlers, so she wanted to get them on their way quickly.

But I think it's more likely Devika might bond with THEM and not want to sell them.

Either way. I got looked at by a houseplant today. How was your day?

- Miri