Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Yard Sale Details!!

I promised details about the yard sale when I had them. And I have them!!!


Saturday, March 22nd from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.


Sunday, March 23rd from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. (if there's anything left after Saturday). :)

 The yard sale will be held at the Clubhouse of the Wolhurst Retirement Village:

8201 S. Santa Fe
Littleton, CO 80120

There will be Dollhouses, Miniatures, Crafty Supplies, and whatever else I find in my house that I don't need anymore! Some dollhouses are finished and some are not.

For more information or to RSVP if you do Facebook go here - Wylde Kingdom Yard Sale.
Any questions, either post a comment here or email me at wendy at mirandawandering dot com.

Hope to see you there!!!

- Wendy

P.S. You have all been so kind and supportive about this. Thank you so much for understanding and encouraging. It's been so long that I've hidden in the fantasy world of the dolls, I'm not even sure who I really am anymore. But I'm anxious to find out. :) Thank you.  

Sunday, February 09, 2014

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things..."

I wasn't going to do a "going away" post. I've done them before and always come back, and it seemed dumb to post and say "No, really. This time I mean it."

But it's done.

The Wylde Kingdom is no more.

So, this is me, at work. I build dollhouses for a living now at Norm's Dollhouse. My name is Wendy, and I don't think there's ever been a picture of me on this blog before, even though I've kept it up for just over 7 years.

Hi there.

These little dolls and their blog saved my life. No exaggeration, without them I would be dead. They saved me when I needed them, and I will forever be grateful that my subconscious created for me such amazing imaginary friends and guides.

It was soul crushing loneliness that drove me so deeply into the world of the dolls and fantasy, and I have truly relished hiding in that world. It was a crutch for me when I was wounded, and I needed it and depended on it to get me through.

My life is different now. It is amazing and fantastic and wonderful. The loneliness is gone. And where a crutch can help you when you're wounded, if you continue to lean on it after you've healed, then it starts to do harm.

So it's time to put aside my crutch and have my life back again. I have hidden behind Miranda for 7 years, and it's time to come out of her shadow.

I cannot thank you enough for reading my stories and loving my characters and enjoying my photography for all these years. I would've done all of this even if no one else ever saw it, I had to, but it made it so much more wonderful to have met so many amazing, creative, and kind people through this. Thank you for being there and for your help and support.

I live in such a beautiful place. Miranda has been such a great way for me to see Colorado, and her camping and Jeep trips have been amazing. But _I_ want to have Jeep adventures and go camping too. Mostly, I want to stop seeing everything through a camera, as has become my habit over the past 7 years.

I record. I document. I observe. But I do not experience.

It has to stop.

Sometime in March (the date is still being determined) I will be having a huge yard sale. Dollhouse, miniatures, toys, dolls, crafty supplies. Everything that doesn't serve me anymore will have to go. If you're in Colorado and would like a piece of the Wylde Kingdom, I hope you'll come on by. :)

I will post here when I know the date, with all of the information.

And I will post here how the yard sale goes. With pictures even!

After that, I will post our goodbyes.

And then I will post no more.

This blog will remain, I have no interest in taking it down. And I'll keep checking in on all the doll blogs I've come to enjoy reading.

I'm still around.

Just finally doing some of wandering of my own. :)

- Wendy