Friday, March 23, 2007

Family Portrait Day - Pt 22

(sound of cell phone ringing)

(cell phone continues ringing)

Azrael: St. Cloud........ what do you THINK I'm doing? I'm sitting here in the back of the van, listening to the rain, and waiting for you to call. So, tell me something good.

Azrael: Seriously? Just come in? Just like that?......... And they won't recognize a stranger why?.. ........ How can none of them know each other?.......but........ wow. This is one insane place, isn't it?

Azrael: Okay, so you're telling me that if Wendy asks, say Emi sent for me. And if Emi asks, say Wendy sent for me. Got it. Where are you?........ Fine. I'm on my way in now.


Azrael: Okay, let's go catch a killer.