Thursday, May 12, 2016

Midnight in the Dollhouse MEETING & Snuffy Blog!

We're having a meeting today at the Wylde Kingdom Grange. Business meeting, about Midnight in the Dollhouse and upcoming things. 

I got the Grange all cleaned up and snapped this picture of Snuffy, my toy elephant, hanging out.

And that got me thinking. Wendy thinks toy photography is so fun, maybe I should try it too?

'Cause Snuffy is a GREAT toy, and I like photographing him.

So, I made a blog for my Snuffy photography. It's The Shuffling Snuffy, and you can see it here -

I'm kind of excited to have a new project. Check it out and hopefully there will be more Snuffy photographs soon!

- Miri (Snuffy Handler & Toy Photographer)

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I treated myself to a crochet pattern from Sweet Silver Creations, and I love it!

But there's no time for crocheting today!

I gotta get the Grange ready for our big Midnight in the Dollhouse planning meeting tomorrow!

Wish me luck. It seems bigger in here now that I have to sweep it all.

- Miri

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Toy Photography

Getting just the perfect picture of a toy...

Is not always as glamorous as it may seem.

But the toys we love are worth it. Snuffy is a great photographic subject. I probably need to take more pictures of him.

Even if it means sometimes laying on the floor in unglamorous positions.

- Miri

Sunday, May 01, 2016

May 1st - Springtime in Colorado

It is May 1st.

I am making snow angels on Wendy's car.

Welcome to Springtime in Colorado.

- Miri