Friday, August 06, 2010

Meeting the Wombat - By Lenore

Today I met a wombat.

Miss Wendy used to travel with a rabbit named Gage. He was a very nice rabbit, and I really enjoyed traveling with him, but he retired and doesn't want to travel anymore. And now Miss Wendy has a wombat that she travels with. His name is Will.

Mister Will seems very nice. He's going to movie night with me at Miss Wyntormoon's house this Saturday. But first, he went to the doll store with me today.

I love going to the doll store with Miss Wendy. Though I haven't gone in a while. I like trying on all the different clothes and doing some shopping. Mister Will finds shopping boring, but he hung out with me while I tried on clothes.

Even if he was a little less than helpful with comments like "That makes you look like some kind of demented harlequin bumble bee."

I thought maybe if he got more involved in the clothes trying part, he might like it better.

I was wrong.

I found lots of nice stuff, but didn't buy anything. It was just a "getting to know you" trip with Mister Will. I think we're going to get along just fine, and now I know not to bring him with me when I'm in need of fashion advice.