Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wylde Kingdom Business Meeting: Part 4

So even though I'd been wandering all night, I was feeling pretty perky and ready for the 2nd half of our meeting.

I got everything all set up while everyone else was sleeping in a little bit.

It was a little more laid back of a meeting. Everyone got folders full of financial stuff, and contracts and that kind of thing. That part was not very exciting.

But I got to introduce a very special guest, Lynn, the caretaker of Wightwick Manor. He had some very, VERY exciting news for us. No, Wighwick isn't moving into the Kingdom, but it's really awesome news anyway. Early Summer of this year, there's a very good possibility that Wighwick will be open to pixies from all over the world as a bed and breakfast!!! More details about that soon, just in case you want to come visit. :)

So then more of me talking. This being a chair pixie can be a little dull, but it was all important stuff to get sorted out. But now, the real work begins.

More milling about and chatting. Everyone is excited, and now there is so much to do.

We're all headed home with ideas and plans and lots, and lots of work to do.

CJ has a lot of building to finish. First, he's going to fix up the 3 Sisters Craft Shop, 'cause that'll be the fastest and then they can start offering classes. 

Aspen is very excited about Wightwick Manor being a bed and breakfast, and wanted to talk to Lynn about something. I'm guessing she wants to provide the honey for the kitchen there.

Saffron always looks like she's thinking about what everyone should be wearing. I can't wait to see what she comes up with once her clothing store is up and running.

Even Salome seemed interested in maybe getting some new dresses, and I think she's going to sell CDs to Saffron to play in her store. 

Eris and Sebastian hung back, just chatting. I think they were just happy Sebastian didn't turn into anything through the whole meeting. 

So once it was all done and we were all ready to head out, a handful of us asked Harley about showing us the sights. She said she would and "she could take it as long as we could".

I didn't really understand what she meant 'til we got to the cemetery. It was FREEZING! To which Harley just said "Well, it's February in the Rockies. What did you want? 90s?"

So we didn't wander, but the view made me want to. A lot. A lot a a lot. We'll do more wandering this Summer for sure. Colorado is just too pretty a state not to wander in.

And so that concludes all of the Business Meeting blog entries. I'll keep you posted here on how it's all going. Wish us luck. I think we can do it, but it's going to be a lot of work. Are we all up to it? I guess we'll find out.

Thanks for reading. We now return you to your regularly scheduled random Miranda Wandering entries. :)

- Miri