Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Hitting the Ground Running in 2014 - "The Little Show"

New year. New things. It's good. 2013 wasn't great, so we're going to MAKE 2014 great. Starting here.

The four of us: Hitty Bertine Simmons, Hitty Rosabelle Kleider, Eve Woodlee, and myself, have been asked to make stuff to sell at the 23rd annual "Little Show" held by the Denver Museum of Miniatures, Dolls and Toys.

We'll be representing Norm's Dollhouse at the show, so naturally that's where we went for our meeting.

I do look cute holding a meeting, don't I?

Eve Woodlee said she and the rest of the Woodlees were 100% behind this, and some of them would even be coming along to look for new homes!

Hitty Bertine had some suggestions of things she and Hitty Rosabelle could make together.

And Hitty Rosabelle had some ideas and good suggestions too, even though she has ZERO interest in actually attending the show. I think she may be a little afraid of "disappearing" like poor Hitty Sequoia.

Lenore stayed home instead of attending our meeting, but she and I already discussed what she would be making for the show. She's going to be a HUGE help! (Pun not intended)

It was a really great meeting. Lots of great ideas. I can't tell you about them yet, 'cause I don't want to spoil the surprise. But I'll show you stuff as we get it made and ready to go.

After the meeting, we all just went and wandered around Norm's.

It can be hard to find Hitty sized things in a miniature shop (most things are a little too little) but Hitty Bertine found herself just the perfect swing to hang out on in the "Fairy Garden" area.

Hitty Rosabelle wanted to go visit the Lace House for some reason. She didn't say why. Pretty house, I can't blame her.

And Eve wanted to go see the last three Woodlee children looking to be adopted at Norm's. I think she was really happy to see them.

They seemed just as happy to see her. She told them that if they haven't been adopted by the show in February, they can come to the show with us and they'll be SURE to find homes there. Hopefully she's right.

And me. I snuggled up in the weirdest looking but strangely comfortable chair in the whole shop, just to sit back and relax a minute.

I think this may just be the deep breath before the plunge. This is going to be an awesome year for the Wylde Kingdom AND Woodlee Junction. I just have a feeling. Now to get busy making stuff!!!!

Hope your year is off to an awesome start too!!! Any new undertakings you're starting? Do you do resolutions? Like what?

- Miri