Thursday, July 17, 2014

No Norm's

It is a cold, damp night here in the Wylde Kingdom, and so far that's been the bright spot of the whole day.

I'm drowning my sorrows in junkfood and microwaved jasmine tea right at the moment. You see...

I went back to Norm's Dollhouse to see about getting my old job back. 

Some things had changed a little bit while I was gone. For instance, now there are frickin FAIRIES everywhere.

Fairies. Can you believe it? 

Though they do have some cool stuff, I guess. 

Some things had not changed. The Manor is still there, and still glorious. 

 The Green Elephant is still there, and totally shoptacular.

They got in a bunch more handmade Christmas stuff. 

It's enough to make a pixie feel all Yuletidal or something. 

So after waiting around FOREVER, I finally got an answer about my old job.


Apparently they have some kind of "non-essential pixie personnel" hiring freeze thing going or something. I dunno. I don't want to say it was the fairies, but it's kind of weird that suddenly they're there and I'm not.

Just sayin'

So, that's that. Can you believe it? What kind of store doesn't need a spokes-pixie? Or someone to clean cases? I mean, seriously?

Well, whatever. Their loss. It isn't as if there isn't enough to do around HERE, getting the Wylde Kingdom Business District up and running again.

So I'll have some tea, and some candy, and then it's off to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow doing my OWN job. *harumph* 

- Miri