Friday, November 28, 2014


I spent my Thanksgiving dressed as a Turkey.

For a good cause, though. I was a volunteer with the Turkey Protection Program this year.

Two of them hid out with me for a few days. They're calmer if they feel they're among other turkeys, thus the costume. (Also, if we got caught, I could've used MY costume to convince any turkey stealers that the turkeys were just pixies in costume too. BRILLIANT pixie subterfuge if I do say so myself.)

But now Thanksgiving is all over. The turkeys are safe for another year and it's on to Christmas at Norm's Dollhouse!

Wightwick Manor is all decorated and ready for dollhouse shoppers to come in and enjoy! I'm excited about this Christmas and now I'm headed off to work at the dollhouse store!

Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

- Miri