Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Pixie Motivation & A New House

So guess where I am. Go ahead. Guess.

Okay, I'll just tell you. 

I'm in my new house!!!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have had a lot of houses. But head pixie gets first right of refusal, blah, blah, so here I am.

And it is awesome. This is one seriously awesome house. And it's mine.

If you want to see more pictures of it, there are like a million of them here - Meeting the FAO Schwarz House, on Midnight in the Dollhouse.

But pretty much all you need to know is that it's vintage, it's awesome, and it's mine. It is a little bit of a fixer upper, but that just means I can REALLY make it mine with a good refurbishing.

And where, you may ask, is where all this money to fix up a house coming from? Well, turns out...

...there's a miniatures show coming up! My human roommate isn't feeling "motivated" but does she think this house is going to refurbish ITSELF?!?!

I'll get her motivated. You'll see. We've got a lot of stuff done already, and two weeks 'til the show, but the more stuff we sell, the more money I'll have to put into my new, super awesome house.

So I gotta get back to work, but I wanted to show you my house real quick.

See you at the show!

- Miri