Saturday, April 16, 2016

Snowy Day of Blank Books

It seemed like maybe Spring had come to Colorado.


So, since it was a snowy day and I had no particular place to go, I thought I'd head to C&M.

There I was, shelving and pricing like a good little book store owner.

And for some reason, I found myself flipping through one of the books I was shelving.

And... it's blank!


So, I started going through the other books on the shelf.

ALSO blank.

I threw the blank ones down to the 1st floor, since I have no need for blank books.

But the more I looked...

... the more blank books I found!

I just kept throwing them over the balcony into a pile.

And the pile of books grew...

and grew...

and GREW!

I don't know which is more depressing. That I've been so happy about having a book store that was full of blank books...

... or that I didn't notice until NOW. I mean, SOME of the books have print, but not very many. Not enough. But, I'll fix it.

Who wants a book store full of books you can't read?!?

One cool thing did come out of all this, though. Here, I'll show you.

Check it out, a book of "Manhole Covers of the World".

Seriously, it's all just pictures of manhole covers. Weird. But I'll show you my favorite.

Little smiling manhole cover. Wouldn't that be crazy to see?

Anyway, my work is pretty much cut out for me. I gotta find more printed books. We have our own printing company ("Wylde Kingdom Press") and we've made SOME books (some for sale too - Midnight in the Dollhouse on Etsy), but we need more. Lots more! Like a bookstore full!

I'll let you know how it goes.

- Miri