Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Little Log Cabin In My Kitchen

I apologize for the lack of updates to Miranda Wandering lately.

I caught a cold, and two of my pixies have been making me crazy trying to figure out where they wanted their newly built house to go.

C. Pender, of Pixelated Builders, built a beautiful home for Andara and Saoirse. And they promptly moved it right into my garden - outside. And realized, it's really, really COLD outside. So they decided that their house could be inside my house, like all the rest of the pixies. But it needed just the right location.

We've been carting around their little log cabin for what feels like forever. And, finally, they settled on just the right spot - right by the indoor outdoor tree, as Saoirse put it.

They've been working diligently on getting their garden put in, and Saoirse is quite the gardener. She's very proud of her little garden, which is essentially their kitchen.

It is my understanding that there will be a housewarming party held soon. Photos to follow, I promise.

Assuming I'm invited. :)

- Wendy