Saoirse: Zye....leeee.....aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!
Saoirse: Maybe she's not here anymore.
Andara: Wendy said she saw here hanging around the plants a few days ago. She put out a fairy house for her. So we're supposed to look there.
Saoirse: But we're going to be late for the pictures!!
Andara: Well, this would've gone a whole lot faster on horseback, now wouldn't it?
Saoirse: I'm afraid of the horsies...
Andara: There's her house over there.
Andara: Don't worry, Saoirse. We'll find a horsie for you, one that you're not afraid of. Okay? Now come on.Andara: Good eye there, Dr. Livingston. But she's got to be around here somewhere. We'll just keep looking.
Andara: Xylia!!! Where are you? We have to go for the family portrait!
Saoirse: Xylia!!! Chocolate!!!
Andara: Uh... "chocolate"?Saoirse: Yeah, "chocolate". Who's going to come running for someone calling out "Portrait"?
Andara: (shaking head) Fine.
Saoirse: She could be anywhere. This is hopeless. If she won't come out for chocolate I don't think she's coming at all.
Andara: Well, we just have to keep our eyes peeled.
Xylia: Hello?
Andara and Saoirse: XYLIA!Xylia: Don't leave without me. I'm coming right down.
Andara: Didn't you hear us calling for you?
Xylia: Well, yes. But at first you didn't say anything about CHOCOLATE!
Andara: Oh brother...