Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wightwick Manor by Night: Part 1

This is really just a post of pictures. The next one will be too. But they're really, really awesome pictures.

Madera stayed after our awesome Christmas party and took pictures of the Manor in the dark. She said it was an amazing experience and I think her photos are gorgeous.

So here are the first few. Enjoy! (And we'll return to our regularly scheduled Miranda babbling when I'm done posting awesome photos of an incredible house. Promise.)

More pictures next entry! Isn't it an amazing house? I really, REALLY want to live there. So, if you'd like to send donations to the "Buy Wightwick Manor for Miranda" Fund just shoot me an email. :)

- Miri

(Edit: Part 2 of Madera's photos can be seen here - Wightwick Manor By Night Pt 2)