Sunday, November 18, 2012

Construction Everywhere!

Fall is apparently a pretty busy season, here in the Wylde Kingdom.

I've been spending a lot of my time at Norm's lately. Modeling and helping with construction too.

Remember that house we were working on a couple weeks ago?

It's almost done. It just needs some trim.

And stairs. Stairs would be nice.

This is the corner where I had my ladder in that one picture! You wouldn't even recognize it now! (The corner, not my ladder). 

It came together really quickly.

David did the custom framing for the inside windows and it's beautiful. Makes me want my own house someday.

But there's no time for lollygagging and daydreaming!

The OTHER project going on is in the Wylde Kingdom! Aspen is going to get a shop for her soaps and stuff!

It doesn't have any lights or anything yet, since it's just arrived.

She wanted a stone floor for the ground level, and it looks like that's going to work out. She's already planning what to do with the layout.

We couldn't go upstairs yet: no ladder or stairs. But soon.

And when last I left Aspen, she was just going to hang out a little bit and really give some thought to these modifications she wants CJ to make to her shop. Can't wait to see what those are. 

Anyway, now I have to run off to the music school because we've already got lessons going and we're gearing up for our first ever recital!

Sorry for the quicky update! Later!

- Miri

P.S. I just realized that with this entry, I have blogged more than any of the past 4 years And in just one more entry I will have blogged more than the past 4 years COMBINED. Wow. Apparently I'm feeling kind of chatty this year. Hope you don't mind. :)