Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Just a Little Update

Things in the Wylde Kingdom have been busy. Sorry I haven't updated like I like to. Not a whole lot to report, though.

 Hanging around Norm's today, waiting to decorate the Manor.Spotted a building with a "sold" sign.

Says it's going to be a pixie clothing store. "Raggle Taggle Pixies" which is one of my favorite old pixie folk songs (humans swiped it and made it "Raggle Taggle Gypsies" but it's a lot older than that. This is a pretty good version of the human one, though I like the pixie version better, personally.) That would be cool. I could use some new clothes.

I didn't go in. Breaking and entering is not something I'd do (anymore) but I did check out the staircase. 

 Pretty nice. Nice view.I dunno who it belongs to, but I'm looking forward to seeing and getting more clothes. There are certainly a lot of pixie businesses cropping up all of a sudden. 

Anyway, then it was finally time to decorate the Manor. It went just fine, but poor CJ...

CJ just HAD to come along to help decorate. And he did a fine job. But he wasn't there to decorate really.

I think he carried that strand of lights all through the Manor, looking for Rose.

But if he saw her, he didn't tell me about it, and I kind of think he would have.

Anyway, we got it all decorated and it came out pretty nice, I think.

And now we're ready for the big Christmas Party in just a few weeks!

So not a lot of excitement yet (not until that clothing store opens!) but I'll keep you posted if anything interesting happens.

- Miri