Wednesday, March 27, 2013

And Now... Here's Devika

Hello, my name is Devika. You might know me from some previous guest postings I've done on the Miranda Wandering blog.

I'll be filling in again for a little bit while Miranda is off doing other things. I hope you won't mind. 

Today, I wanted to tell you about.... um.... something interesting... uh....

I don't know what to say! OH! I can't do this!

 Madera: Woah. Vee, it's okay. Relax.

Madera: You've done blog entries before, right? You'll be fine!

Devika: But... I don't know what to SAY! I don't even know where to start! I don't know what to tell people. I don't do anything interesting. I don't even WANDER!

 Madera: Vee, no one is expecting you to BE Miranda. Just be yourself! You talk, I'll take pictures, it'll be great!

Devika: But I don't know what to talk ABOUT!

Madera: Talk about what you like to do, Vee. What do you like to do? Hmm?

Devika: Well... I like... um, I guess I like baking.

 Madera: Great! Then that's where we'll start!

(a little bit later)

 Hello, I'm Devika! I'll be filling in as your guest blogger for a little bit on Miranda Wandering.

This is my kitchen! Probably my favorite place in the world.

 I hope you like it too, because while I'm "guest blogging" we might be spending a lot of time here.

 Today, I made something for Easter. Would you like to see it? Want to? I'll show you!

It's a bunny cake! All coconutty and frostingish. Yummy!

Devika: Um... so how was that, Madera?

Madera: That was great! You're going to be a great guest blogger! 

Devika: Well, I don't know about that. But I will try my best. I don't know what to blog about next. Hmm. Maybe I should look through my cookbooks.