Thursday, September 26, 2013

A New House in the Kingdom: JoAnne's House (Pt 3)

Click here for Part Two of the House Tour - JoAnne's House Pt 2

Lots of stairs in this house, but totally worth it. The 2nd floor is just as nice as the 1st. A little dusting and touch up and this place is going to be AMAZING!

Oooh, a little balcony. I'll bet this is a lot nicer in daylight.

More lovely stairs. I love the carpeting.

Hello, huge master bedroom. My gosh, this room is bigger than my whole camper!

Fireplaces were apparently JoAnne's thing, and sconces.

Oh yeah! So about that history thing. Yeah!

Okay, so this house ended up in the Wylde Kingdom because a nice lady called Norm's and said she had a house she needed to find a home for.

The house had been built about 30 years ago by her mother and father, when they decided they needed a project to do together.

It took them about 5 years to finish.

Her mom loved this house, and she traveled all over the world to find beautiful things to put in it. 

Sadly, he mom passed away a while ago. The house came all the way here from North Carolina, but all of the furnishings were stolen on the way here. The daughter has had it in her garage for a while, but is now moving to a 1 bedroom apartment, and can't take the house with her. She was so sad to let it go.

She said she couldn't just sell it on Craigslist to a stranger, and not know what would happen to it. She couldn't give it to a thrift store. So she called Norm's because she figured they'd know just the right home for the house.

And did they.

MY home!

So we've been calling it "The Equinox House" because it moved in on the Equinox and changed everything (more about that later), but we're going to get a little metal plaque made for it that says "JoAnne's Place" and put it by the front door. Like a historical marker. It just seems like the right thing to do.

So back to the tour, then.

Of course, off of the master bedroom would be the master bath. Bathroom number two, for those of you counting. Very nice.

This really is a great house, and it would be great to live here.

But look at all this space!

What a fun little play room!

I wonder if any pixies lived here before? I wonder if this is their baby?

Hmm, no lights in the nanny's room. Good to know. Any night cleaning, I'd better bring a lantern or something.

This would be the perfect place for Gus and Salome. They have their little guy, Hugh, now you know.

And since it takes gnomes FOREVER to age (which is why Salome is so beautiful), he'll be a baby for a long time. What a perfect room to be a baby in.

I think they'll love the baby's room.

Well, I'll ask them about it, for sure! Third and last floor (which is good. It's been a lot of stairs!) Are you ready?

Then let's go!

- Miri

Click here for Part 4 of the House Tour - JoAnne's House Pt 4 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Blog For ANOTHER Blog!!!

My sister, Juno, is finally getting a house.

Wendy and her buddy Megan are building it together, even though the Butterflies Attic and the Wylde Kingdom are on different sides of the U.S. from each other.

Anyway, if you want to see their building progress (neither one of them has ever tried building a dollhouse with someone who isn't even in the same state with them before, so this could be interesting) you can see their brand new, shiny, blog here -

A Tale of Two Tiny Towns
Tomorrow, I'll post part three of my tour of JoAnne's Place. But I had to tell you Juno is getting a house, first. She's pretty excited, and I'm excited for her.

- Miri

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A New House in the Kingdom: JoAnne's House (Pt 2)

Click here for Part 1 of the house tour - JoAnne's House (Pt 1)

Oooh, it is awesome. A little dusting and some wood polish and this room is going to be GORGEOUS!

Oh wow, these stairs are GORGEOUS! I wonder what's up there? Oooh.

I mean, patience, Grasshopper. We'll check out the second floor after we're done with the first. Sheesh!

The living room, I'd guess. Another beautiful room, with handmade curtains, even!

And look at this mantle and that CLOCK! This place is unbelievable.

Bathroom number one, I presume. Wendy said there are 3 bathrooms in this house. THREE of them!  Can you imagine?

Bath with a view, I guess. Lots of windows...

This house is completely awesome. Seriously. Awesome.

Wendy said I could have it, you know. I get first dibs on any new house that comes in. Since I'm head pixie and all.

Even if I wasn't totally in love with my Lace House, though, this still wouldn't be my house.

Oh, it's not that it's not incredible or anything.

It's huge! See, this must be the dining room. Which means...

... this must be...

... the super, gigantic, kitchen. Too. Huge. A. House.

For just me, anyway. This house needs a couple! A FAMILY! And I know just the people!

I'm thinking Gus and Salome and their little guy. Wouldn't it be perfect? Don't they deserve the PERFECT house?

See, they've been in a bunch of houses that weren't enough room for the two of them, much less the baby. And when they were offered the Creepy Sisters HUGE house, Salome said there was a "shadow" in the house and didn't want to live there.

But I think she's going to LOVE the history of this one! How could you not? Right?

OH! The history! I haven't told you yet! Duh!

Sounds like a fine tale for the second floor! I'll tell you upstairs. Yeah, there are THREE floors to this place. Did I mention it's HUGE?

Second floor, here we come! Up he gorgeous staircase! Up! Up! Up!

- Miri

To be continued....

Click here for Part 3 of the house tour - JoAnne's House Pt 3

Sunday, September 22, 2013

A New House in the Kingdom: JoAnne's House (Pt 1)

Mr. Thorne FINALLY got his new and improved Green Elephant moved into the Wylde Kingdom, just waiting to be finished. And we've got all the stuff for it. And then... something came up.

Something big.

Something HUGE!

Something so ginormous, Madera can't go far enough back to photograph the whole thing and still keep me in focus! That's HUGE!!!!

I have to tell you, when Wendy told me that she was bringing home a house with a really neat past, this really wasn't what I was expecting.

Anyway, she said that even though it's kind of dusty from hanging out in a garage for a while, I could still take a look if I wanted to. And of COURSE I want to! Don't you? Let's go!!!

Okay, Wendy said there was a light switch or something just inside the door... it should be... EEEEKKKKK!!!!!!


*snicker* Just kidding. There's no monster. Totally got you. *snort* Monster. I DID, however, find the light switch.

Cool, huh? Wendy said the wiring is 30 years old, and it still WORKS! That's pretty amazing.

Let's check it out! After you.

Oh, wait *snicker* I'd better go first. Ya know, in case there are *snicker* monsters.

*snort* Monsters. You are too funny! Come on in... this is going to be awesome!

- Miri

Click here for Part 2 - JoAnne's House (Pt 2)