Wednesday, September 25, 2013

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Blog For ANOTHER Blog!!!

My sister, Juno, is finally getting a house.

Wendy and her buddy Megan are building it together, even though the Butterflies Attic and the Wylde Kingdom are on different sides of the U.S. from each other.

Anyway, if you want to see their building progress (neither one of them has ever tried building a dollhouse with someone who isn't even in the same state with them before, so this could be interesting) you can see their brand new, shiny, blog here -

A Tale of Two Tiny Towns
Tomorrow, I'll post part three of my tour of JoAnne's Place. But I had to tell you Juno is getting a house, first. She's pretty excited, and I'm excited for her.

- Miri