Sunday, July 05, 2015

Puppets from a Pixie Workshop

We have been super busy in the Wylde Kingdom. There's a miniatures show coming up in 67 days, and we are not exactly ready.

But we will be.

Today we were working on puppets. We being me and Vee, and Lenore. Lenore makes the bodies for us, and then we put on the details. And Taelyn really, REALLY wanted to help. But he's not allowed anything sharp or sticky, EVER. So....

Taelyn became the official Wylde Kingdom puppet tester. He plays with the puppets to make sure they work right (and this keeps him out of our hair while we get things done. PERFECT.)

Vee helping pack puppets. Some will be for sale at Norm's Dollhouse, but most will be packed away for the show in September.

Me, doing... stuff. I dunno. Wendy said "Look like you're doing something" so I guess I'm holding thread. *shrug*

Some of the puppets we finished, waiting for Taelyn Testing.

And here is a beautiful picture of the pixie component of the Wylde Kingdom Puppet Making Team...

... and Taelyn.

- Miri