I did consider one of those houses next door (Google "Awesomed" this picture from my last blog entry. Kinda cool.)
But over lunch (delicious salad) I considered that I already HAVE a house, I just need to work on it and make it awesome. I figured just the perfect thing would find me.
And it did.
Across the way, another vendor had a car lot going.
Dodge Viper. Pretty car.
But it just didn't feel right. Oh, it's a sweet lookin' car all right, but... it wasn't IT.
I knew IT when I saw her.
1958 Chevy Corvette. Clean engine.
A trunk just the right size to fit my
They offered to let me sit in the car and make "vroom" noises.
So I did.
And that was when I knew for sure I'd found my birthday present.
Happy Birthday to Me some more!!!
- Miri