Thursday, January 11, 2007

From Whence He Came

(and Marius dreams....)

Voices: He is one of THEM.... mind stealer.... dream killer....

Voices: Kill him!!! Kill him!!!

Male voice: It is for the Lady to decide!

Voices: (hushed) The Lady....

Female Voice: Mind stealers live not among us. And so you cannot live, Marius.

Female Voice: (whispering) Had you only taken me as your bride, Marius. How I would have loved you.

Marius: (quietly) I would rather die.

Female Voice: (soft laugh) And so you shall. Take him to the fields, and KILL HIM!!!

Voices: KILL HIM!!! KILL HIM!!!

Marius: AHH! NO!!!

Syrinx: HEY! Woah there, you're okay.... they're not here... you are safe. It's okay.

Marius: (shaky) You know... you saw them?

Syrinx: Something about hitting your head, perhaps, or the emotion behind the memory, but yes, I could see your dream. I am so sorry, I share your gifts, and I know the burden they can be. I am sorry.

Marius: (deep breath)

Marius: (suddenly panicked) The little girl! Is she okay? Whatever attacked me, did it hurt her?

Syrinx: (chuckle) SHE'S what attacked you. You scared her, and she was defending herself. And she's fine. She's very worried about YOU, as a matter of fact, and wants to apologize.

Marius: SHE attacked me? How? What IS she?

Syrinx: She's a changeling. A grown changeling. And apparently an elemental wizard of some sort. We've never seen anything like her.

Marius: Neither have I. I would've sworn...