Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New Digs and a New Shop!

Lots of things have changed since I accidentally blew up this blog. (Oops. Sorry about that.)

Not the least of which is I've moved.

It's pretty exciting. I love my new house. It was a gift from a really nice couple I met at Norm's Dollhouse. It was totally finished and wallpapered and everything. Ready to move in!

It's really spacious, but so far all I can show you is the living room and the kitchen.

I'm still getting moved in, and upstairs is a mess. But what I really, REALLY want to show you is downstairs.

This is a really interesting house. I can't say I've seen anything quite like it. It's got a separate basement level, which I have big plans for.

It's down there.

Okay, so it doesn't look like much yet. So I'm asking you to just think about potential, okay? Potential.

This will (someday soon) be Miranda's Book Den!

Pretty soon. I've got books coming. It'll be like an annex to C&M Books and Coffee while that's in limbo.

I don't know if I can set it up to do coffee or not. But it'll be okay even without it.

I kind of see it as just a relaxing place to hang out and read books on a comfy couch. Just for me if no one else figures out it's here.

So yeah, I've got a lot more work to do. Thanks for stopping by so I could show you the new place. I'll have more to show you soon, hopefully. Once the books arrive and stuff, and I get upstairs a little more organized.

Talk to you again soon!

- Miri