Saturday, June 23, 2012

Picture from the Book Den

I took some pictures of my Book Den last night, after I got all the books up on the shelves. I'm still sorting them for a real blog entry, but in the meantime, here's one of my favorite shots through the front window.

For now, I'm off to do some shopping at Norm's Dollhouse for supplies for the Book Den. I think this is going to be too cool. I'll tell you all about it when I get back!


 - Miri

P.S. While waiting to head out for shopping, I restored all of the blogs that still had pictures, which is pretty much everything _I_ didn't publish. If you find a blog entry missing pictures, please let me know, okay? But I think it's all fixed. I'm still looking to see how many of my old pictures we've got, but it's not looking good. I'll keep you posted.