Thursday, December 13, 2012

Business District Update

I am a bad, bad blogger. But things here have been super busy! We changed the Facebook page so now it's a place for updates about ALL of the businesses in the Wylde Kingdom, and not just for C&M. So, if you're not on Facebook (and honestly, you're probably better off) here are some Business District updates!! (And I promise to do better about updating here too, instead of just on Facebook. It's just so EASY to update there. Whine, whine, whine. I know.)

MUSIC SCHOOL - The Wylde Kingdom School of Music is pleased to announce it's first annual Holiday Recital! Our students will be playing an open air concert for you (weather permitting) on the grounds of the Music School. Pixies of all ages are invited! Please join us for an afternoon of Christmas Classics and some favorite pixie folk tunes on Saturday, December 22nd, from 2 - 4 p.m. Light refreshments will be served afterwards. See you there!

THE GREEN ELEPHANT - Thrift and Consignment: Are you a pixie looking to do some Christmas shopping? No idea what to get the pixie who has everything? We can help! Shop at The Green Elephant! We've got something for everyone! Located in the
new Business District of the Wylde Kingdom! Open... uh, pretty much whenever Mr. Thorne wants it to be. Check for hours! Yeah! Happy shopping! (But don't buy any of the glass animals, 'cause they're mine. You hear me?) - Miri

THE HUMBLE BEE - Construction continues on Aspen's shop, the Humble Bee. Hoping for an early Spring opening! We can't wait for you to see our amazing selection of honey and bee items!

THE POTION SHOP - Sebastian's potion shop will have extended evening hours (9 p.m.) until the end of the year, for extra holiday potion shopping opportunities! Also, we currently have our special, hand blended holiday potions: "Holiday Tension Remover" and "Calm Family Gathering" on sale for an extra 20% off! Both are guaranteed to help make your holidays merry and bright! See you soon for all your potion needs!

And now you're all caught up! And hopefully I'll be able to get some more blogging done here soon, after I'm done writing all these Christmas Cards! UGH!!

- Miri