We got a bunch of snow in Colorado, and there's just no way I can have pixies trying to drive in this stuff tonight.
So we're having to cancel the big, annual Christmas party at Wightwick Manor this evening.
I am totally bummed.
The good news, is that it's all supposed to melt off by this weekend, so we're going to have the music recital, put on by the students of the Wylde Kingdom School of Music, at the Manor this weekend instead! So that'll be nice.
It's no Christmas party, but it's okay. I'd never forgive myself if someone got hurt trying to get to the party tonight.
And that leads us into the GOOD news!
C&M called me and said there was a huge, wooden crate there for me! So I headed straight over!
Harley met me at the door and told me I had "a major award." Which I told her was ridiculous, because I hadn't entered any contests or anything. And then I saw it...
It is! It's a Major Award!!!
Oooh, Fra-Gee-Lay! It must be Italian!
While Harley got me tools for crate opening, I checked out the gift tag on the package. This is from my awesome Lati friends and their companion, Zorropirate, way up in Canada! (The wrapped present will be going straight under my tree at home. I'll open it Christmas Eve!)
Harley returned with tools, and I was ready for crate
But really, I just had to cut the top wire on the crate was all. Not hard to get into. And there it was! In all of it's beauty!!!
My very own LEG LAMP!!! Straight out of A Christmas Story (which is one of my favorite holiday movies of all time.) It was made by my buddy Zorropirate and her Lati army. So amazing! So COOL!!!
Harley figured out the light switch for me and there it was!!!
A lamp of indescribable beauty!!!
It shall dwell in the big, bay window of C&M for at least the holidays. Maybe forever. I can't wait for Clara to see it!!! It's so beautiful!
Zorropirate and Canadian Latis: thank you SO MUCH!!! It's so wonderful, and I love it more than I can even tell you. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! And Merry Christmas!!!
- Miri