Monday, December 02, 2013

Day 2: Merry Chris-Moose!!!!

Day two of my advent calendar photo project. I give you - A Merry Chris-Moose!!!!

Tah - dah! Festive, no?

Yes, I totally risked life and limb, standing on a chair to bring you this picture from a super awesome angle.

I know.

You're welcome.

Also, speaking of things you'll thank me for. This is a really awesome acapella version of "Little Drummer Boy". Beautiful! Check it out! And then your ears will thank me too.

And if, like me, you now can't get enough Pentatonix here are a couple more awesome songs of theirs (not Christmas, but still awesome).

They did a cover of Radioactive with the amazingly energetic (possibly part pixie) violinist, Lindsey Stirling. It's a pretty awesome cover:

(If you have not seen/heard the original of Radioactive, you must drop everything you're doing and watch this video right now. Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. Not only is it an awesome, beautiful song, but the video has special meaning to the Wylde Kingdom as well. LOVE. IT.)

Also, this is their Daft Punk montage. Wendy's kind of got me on a Daft Punk "thing" so this is pretty fun.

Wow! I'm already feeling more festive and it's only day TWO! Yaay! Hope you're feeling festive too. See you tomorrow for Day #3!

- Miri