Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Progress Marches On - #2

Stucco is up and drying! This little building is coming along pretty quickly now. 

 We've done a lot with the inside since I last showed it to you too.

It's almost finished. Oooooh, the potential!

It could be a little shop, or a studio, or anything! I'd make it into a little shop, I think. With shelves everywhere. But I just like shops, I guess.

It's so close to done, we went ahead and autographed it. Wendy & David autographed the bottom. I left my autograph on one of the corners. Little different from theirs, but I like it. 

This is going to be a great little building for whoever wins the raffle for it at the September miniatures show.

Could be you! What would YOU make this little shop into? Hmm?

- Miri