Thursday, October 01, 2015

Stuff I Did on Facebook #1

When I'm not blogging, I do a lot on Facebook. I've met some really nice pixie dolls there, and found a neat crafty group.

But I have people who I really care about who don't DO Facebook (and I don't blame them. It doesn't work out as nice for everyone as it has for me)

So, every Thursday I'm going to post here what I've been posting on Facebook, so you guys don't have to Facebook if you don't wanna.

So, here goes:

Stuff I Did on Facebook #1

I got Peanutized! To promote the Peanuts Movie coming out November 6th, this website will show you what you look like as a Peanuts character - Peanutize Me!

This is what _I_ look like as one of the Peanuts (also, hanging with Snoopy makes me extra cool.)


I also helped my friend, Devika, make cookies.

Mmm... delicious bats & cats! Unfortunately, they were maybe a little TOO delicious because (according to Devika) I ate a few too many of the cats, and she threw me out of her kitchen!

I ended up hanging around in the kitchen of the apartment above the Green Elephant (where Mr. Thorne lives) and he had CANDY CORN. Which is a very wonderful thing about Autumn.

Even though I ate too many cookies in Devika's kitchen, I was invited to make cookies with Wendy, in a human sized kitchen, which does have it's challenges. The good news is, if you fall into the cookie dough while you're trying to mix it with a spoon five times your height, you can always eat your way out. :) 

 I discovered that candy eyeballs are my new favorite thing. EVERYTHING is better with candy eyeballs.

Even me, though I think I kind of look like a Simpson.

Imagine if you will, a place filled with cookies bigger than you are, all around you, each more delicious than the next! And I say to you.... welcome to my world.(It's cool to be a pixie)

All the horse cookies were for Wendy's mom, it was her birthday on the 26th, so we wanted to surprise her with cookies (all made better with candy eyes. Seriously.)

 Then I went and hung around at Norm's Dollhouse, waiting for news about the Pepperwood Farm that (at that point) we didn't know for sure we were getting. But since you read the blog, you already know how that turned out - (Another House in the Wylde Kingdom)

I didn't actually get to SEE the "Blood Moon", but lucky for me a friend of mine had a friend in Florida who snapped this unbelievable picture of it! I'm so sad I missed it! So majestic and VERY super!

So, since Eris & Sebastian snagged my house, and the Pepperwood Farm is now mine, I kind of moved into it. It's not even STARTED, much less close to finished. But it's still kind of nice to sleep in your own (even unfinished) house. I swiped Wendy's cell phone (which makes a GREAT big screen TV for pixies) and binge watched Season 5 of the Walking Dead until the batteries died.

Honestly, if she didn't WANT me to use her phone, and credit cards, why would she just leave them laying around? She always gets so mad. Just silly, if you ask me.

Oh! And the blue and white afghan on the bed up there? I made that! Pretty, huh? I was thinking about selling it, but I really like it so I'm just going to keep it.

Never trust a crocheter who doesn't like their own stuff. Just sayin'.

This is an afghan I am working on for a friend. It's coming along pretty nicely, I think.

So I joined this crafty group that already had a couple of pixies in it, and it set me off on this big crochet kick.

So I made myself this top! Cute, huh? I made it from this free pattern, here -  and it is FABULOUS. I want to make a million more. I have all these oddball shoes that just don't match ANYTHING so now, if I get the right color thread, I can MAKE stuff that will match them (instead of just being a freaky shoe hoarder with shoes I never, ever wear).

It is a really great pattern, and highly recommended, so if you try it let me know how it goes!

And now I think you're all caught up! This concludes "Stuff I Did on Facebook, Episode 1". I hope you liked it (you know who you are, too). :)

- Miri