Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Lenore and Nessa's Stuff - Pt 2

Devika: Oh! Hi Nessa! We were just decorating the tree and... uh, what brings you here?

Nessa: My belongings still have not arrived from the fairy court, though the court claims they've sent them. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

Devika: Um... well... it was going to be a surprise, and it's not all quite ready yet. But I guess you can see it. Yeah. Okay, follow me!

Nessa: It is very dark here, Vee. Your surprise isn't something with teeth, is it?

Devika: No, silly! We're almost there! Ready?

Devika: TAH-DAH!!! It's an apartment for you and Lenore!!!

Nessa: Oh my...

Devika: So this is your room. Wendy made the bedspread, but she hasn't finished the pillow case yet. There's a lot more we have to do but it's almost ready...

Devika: And this is little Lenore's room! I hope she likes it! There are toys in there, for her, and we still have to finish the bedspread for her room too.

Devika: This rolltop desk is a present from Wendy, I think it's an unbirthday present. Don't tell.

Nessa: This is amazing. It's all so wonderful. Where did you find all this? The bed! Where did you find this precious bed?

Devika: Um....

Gage: HEY!

Devika: Ebay. We found it on Ebay. Yeah.

Devika: So, then this is a little parlor/sitting room/music room for you two. I hope you like it. We won't bug you all THAT much, probably, once you move in. We'll have the Unbirthday party here, if that's okay with you....

Nessa: My piano... and Lenore's violin....I need to sit down...

Nessa: Alice in Wonderland... I think I know how she feels.

Devika: Well, we found that copy of the book and thought it should live here, with you two since Lenore loves it so much.

Nessa: Yes she does... that's very sweet of you...

Devika: Oh Nessa! Don't cry!! This is supposed to be a happy surprise! Are you upset that we were touching your stuff? I'm so sorry, we...

Devika: We only did it because we love you guys! And we're so happy that you're here and...

Nessa: No, Devika. I'm not angry or upset. This is the nicest thing anyone... oh, Lenore is going to love it here... you don't know... oh, she'll be so surprised!

Devika: Well GOOD! Wendy told me I was a big ol' sneak! But I told her you wouldn't mind!

Nessa: You were both right. You ARE a "big ol' sneak" and I don't mind at all! Not one bit!