Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Lenore's Unbirthday - Pt 3

After everyone else had gone, Devika stayed to help clean up and to chat a little bit.

Devika: Lenore, I'm so glad you had a good time. This was a lot of fun. And I'm glad Spot found a home, and so did little Dinah.

Lenore: Me too. Thank you very much, Ms. Devika.

Nessa: Thank you, Vee. For everything.

Devika: No problem! If you guys need anything, just let me know, okay? I'll come by every once in a while just to check and make sure you're doing okay, okay?

Nessa: Of course, and if you need anything, you have only to ask. All right?

Devika: 'K. Byeeee!

Nessa: Well, before your Unbirthday is completely over, there is one more gift for you, Little Wren.

Nessa: From me.

Lenore: OH! Thank you, Ama!

Lenore: (gasp) It's... it's a bracelet, like yours... but you always said...

Nessa: "Fairy magic is not to play with..." and it is not. But you are old enough to have one now. I know you will use it well.

Lenore: It is my most favorite thing in the whole world, Ama! Thank you so much! I will never take it off. And I will only use it in the most dire of emergency.

Nessa: You're welcome, dearheart.

Lenore: It's so pretty... I can't believe... thank you...

Nessa: Well, in a way, it is a gift for me as well, Little Wren. This will always call me to you if you ever need me, and I will always be able to find you. I could not bear to lose you ever, ever again.

Lenore: You won't, Ama! Promise!

Nessa: Did you have a good Unbirthday my Little Wren?

Lenore: The best Unbirthday EVER. Ever, EVER!