Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Lenore's Unbirthday - Pt 1

Between the cold and the blowing snow, Nessa determined a horseback ride was NOT the best plan for the morning. Pneumonia for your Unbirthday is not a good present. So instead she convinced Lenore to come bird watching with her...

Which bored poor Lenore to tears...

... but did get her out of the apartment long enough for the pixies to show up and get things ready.

Devika, Miranda, and Miranda's cousin, Merri brought up the presents.

Thorne and a pixie friend named Andara, helped get Lenore's costume in order.

And Taelyn and another pixie friend named Saoirse, got the food and the kitchen ready.

Soon the preparations were made, and guests started arriving on a cold and snowy afternoon. Once everyone was gathered, Devika gave the "okay" sign to Nessa by sending a small bird with the message.

Nessa suggested that Lenore go to her room while she straightened herself up, and there Lenore found the beautiful costume Devika had finished for her, with a note pinned to it saying "Wear Me".

Having read Alice in Wonderland too many times, she immediately put on the dress, and then went up to the main room to tell Nessa, where she found... EVERYONE!

All together they called out "Merry Unbirthday Lenore!!!", and Lenore just laughed gleefully.

When I left the party to bring you this update, they were debating over why there was less cake and slightly warm rasberry tea than Devika and Miranda had brought, and whether they should play "Pin the Smile on the Cheshire Cat" before or after presents.

None of the pixies came in costume, and I asked the nearest pixie, who turned out to be Andara, why. She said, very matter-of-factly "It's her first Unbirthday party ever, and it's being attended by talking stuffed animals, living dolls, pixies, fairies and a centaur. How much further down the rabbit hole could this little girl's life be?" and I couldn't argue with that at all.

Back with more party updates later. I am your humble narrator, Wendy.