Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fall Miniatures Show - Day 3

Now that my Wanderversary is over, I can get back to regular blogging. :)

More random pictures from the final day of the Denver Museum of Miniatures, Dolls and Toys Fall Show. We had such a great time.

Aspen and I, hanging out in the car with our spiffy badges, just waiting to get in.

The more I hung around this little market stall, the more I found myself thinking that we need one in the Kingdom. It would be really handy when ice skating season comes around again.

Speaking of things we need around the Wylde Kingdom, Aspen and I checked out the "Larimer Shop" that Wendy and David donated to the museum for their auction.

It's pretty cool. I think Aspen was really enchanted with it. She started coming up with plans for what she'd do with it if she won the raffle.

We looked at the other raffle items too. A doll behind glass, which I think is far more terrifying for dolls like Aspen and I than you human types realize. *shudder*

There was this incredible oil painting donated by an amazing painter. He does the most amazing things. It's not a print, or a photograph of great art, it's an actual, tiny, oil painting. Amazing! Next year I will bring one of his pieces home. Oh yes. I will. But well, it couldn't hurt to try to win it. Right? Right.

Hope springs eternal, and we asked Wendy to fill out some raffle tickets for us.

I put in for the painting.

And Aspen and I both went in for the Larimer shop.

Aspen really seemed to have her heart set on winning that little shop. I knew better. I remembered losing the raffle for the Curiosity Shop last year. Ugh. 

She just kept watching the announcer, waiting for the raffle to start.

When it started, Aspen went completely silent and still. Like a deer caught in the headlights. They read the raffle winners for all the other items.

Her little Larimer Shop was the next to last item (the last being my painting, which I didn't win. But I didn't expect to, so it's okay).

Unsurprising (to me, anyway) she didn't win the shop. I tried to comfort her and tell her that we're going to build one for the Wylde Kingdom and maybe Wendy would let her run it. But it didn't seem to help much.

Poor kid. I wonder what kind of shop she would've made it into anyway. Well, I guess we'll find out once we get ours built. Right? Right.

It was a great show, and we had such a fun time. I can't wait to do it all again next year (except maybe Aspen won't get her hopes up so much about the raffle. Poor thing.)

- Miri