Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Return of Lenore & Cybelle and a Fawn Update

I am the worst pixie finder EVER.

Lenore and Cybelle came home THEMSELVES. Apparently the huge rainstorm we had last week was the end for Cybelle, who didn't like being outside anyway. Fall is coming, the nights are cold, and Cybelle convinced Lenore to bring her back inside.

No pictures exist of a Cybelle anything but prettied up. She's that kind of girl. So, after they got all cleaned up and settled a bit...

... I had a long talk with Cybelle. I think she knows that Wendy would've never sold her, but it was really sweet and noble of Lenore to hide her, just in case.  I know she's grateful for Lenore trying to save her, but I think she's really happy to be home too.

I found her outside, walking around a bit today, so I'm glad to report she doesn't seem too afraid of being outdoors.

As long as she gets to wear her beautiful, clean clothes and knows she can come back inside any time. Poor thing. She's just not an outdoorsy girl.

Lenore was out and about today too. All cleaned up, but still looking a bit of a wild thing. I think she's happy to be home too.

Though she has a bit of an attitude about her. You see, I don't think Miss Lenore liked what was waiting at home when she got here. She is very, VERY angry about Fawn (to the surprise of no one.) And, to be honest, I don't blame her.

Fawn has changed a bit from the girl who came home with us from DDE all those months ago, and she has stolen Wendy's heart. Everyone can see it, though she denies having favorites.

The problem is, Lenore sees Fawn as an interloper who has come in to steal her place in the Wylde Kingdom, and Fawn sees Lenore as a spoiled ingrate of a doll, running away from the perfect, loving home Fawn always dreamed of having.

And now that Fawn is here, I think she's very determined to STAY here.

She is still weak from all of her time in storage, and her legs still don't work quite right all the time.

But she's up and around, even if it is on crutches for the time being, and she's stronger every day. She is one determined little girl. Hopefully, she and Lenore will eventually realize there's room enough here for both of them. I guess we'll see.

Anyway, I can't believe I couldn't find them. I suck as a tracker. With or without tracking dogs.

But I am really glad they're home. Welcome home, Lenore and Cybelle!

- Miri