Friday, September 07, 2012

New Coworker and the Miniatures Show

Okay, so last blog entry I finished it up before I could tell you about Aspen.

Turns out, there's a new doll working at Norm's Dollhouse, and her name is Aspen.  Wendy suggested I should get to know her, since we'll be coworkers from now on.

We went for shrimp cocktail at this fancy place Aspen likes. She eats fancier than I do and knows all the nice places around.

Seems like a nice enough pixie. She's bigger than me, but that's okay. She still fits in with the stuff at Norm's so that's cool. She's working to earn enough to buy a dollhouse of her own, which I think is a very noble goal.

We hit it off pretty much immediately, and I think we're going to work together really well.

She's got awesome taste in houses as well as places to eat. Her favorite is the Lace House, which is one of my favorites too.

Anyway, Aspen works as BJD Ambassador to the world of miniatures at Norm's. She just hangs out in the cases, looks beautiful and answers questions about BJDs. So if you go to Norm's you should definitely say "hi" to Aspen (and me, if I'm there).

We'll both be attending the Denver Museum of Miniatures, Dolls and Toys Fall Show this Saturday and Sunday, too (Sept 8th & 9th)! So if you're there, stop by the Norm's booth and say "hi", and if you're a pixie and you come by and say "hello" (and let us take a picture with you) we'll have a present for you! :)

See you there!


(Edit: So between when I wrote this the other day, and now, I've worked a full day at the store with Aspen. Instead of making it another entry, I thought I'd just tack it on to this one so you really would be all caught up! I hope that's okay. More pictures!!! - Miri)

Okay... so then a few days went by and I found myself back at Norm's (even though there are a million things to do at C&M which is also now back on Facebook.)

Wendy and David built this amazing little shop for the raffle at the show this weekend.

It is seriously gorgeous, and I want it. A lot.

They put in a battery light, so you can change the light fixture to whatever you'd like, though I like this one.

The front window is big, and lets in a lot of light.

And there are plenty of shelves for whatever kind of shop you'd like.

And little living quarters upstairs! I won't enter the raffle (it wouldn't be fair for a Norm's employee to win the raffle for our own donation {I'm told}) but Wendy promised we'd build one of these for the Wylde Kingdom sometime soon. So that'll be cool.

I found Aspen working on getting the store Market Stall display set up.

I think the little veggie stand she set up looks awesome, and she's really cute behind it. Aspen's a pretty cool coworker. She's hard working and easy to work with. I think I lucked out.

Anyway, we got everything set up, and now the other coworkers just need to pack everything up and take it to the show (it won't all fit in my Jeep). I'm ready to go, and kind of looking forward to it! Hope to see you there! Here's all of the show info again - Denver Museum of Miniatures Dolls and Toys Fall Show!

- Miri