Sunday, October 06, 2013

A New House in the Kingdom: JoAnne's House (Pt 4 - The End!)

Click here for Part Three of the House Tour - JoAnne's House Pt 3

I am a bad, bad pixie.

Oh, not just for taking forever to post this... no, you'll see.

Okay, so where was I? Oh yeah! We had just reached the third floor!!!

Oh wow... look at this room.

 Oh wow... the angles... I LOVE this room.

You know... a pixie could be pretty happy in a room like this. 

With its own bathroom even.

Bathroom number 3, if you're counting along at home. 

Hmm... you know, a family doesn't HAVE to be a mom and dad and baby...

... technically, we ARE a big family, here in the Wylde Kingdom.

So it could be a whole bunch of pixies living in one house. I could have that bedroom upstairs.

Of course I could. I mean, it would be MY house. And I need a house. Wendy said I could have any house I wanted as long as I promised not to order any more termites

And there's a TON of room here. Lots of pixies could live here, or even just hang out. It could be like the "hang out" place for the whole Wylde Kingdom! 

 And we could have some seriously awesome parties here.

Gus and Salome are awesome folks, but not big party throwing types. 

 And this porch NEEDS to host a party.

Yeah, I'm going to have to take over this house. 

It would just be selfish NOT to, right? Right.

And now I have a LOT of house cleaning to do! 

- Miri