Thursday, October 24, 2013

Meeting Hitty Bertine Simmons

So, things got weird in the Wylde Kingdom for a little while. We actually closed our borders (no dolls in, no dolls out). Well, at least we tried to.

And then, yesterday, we got a surprise from our buddies Beth and Hitty Caroline.

A Hitty!!!

Anyway, it was late at night when she arrived, and she had a long trip, so I let her rest and then this morning got to really meet her.

This is Hitty Bertine Simmons, sister to Hitty Caroline in New York.

And now she wants to live here! 

Because, you know, who wouldn't? 

So day one, the first adventure for Hitty Bertine was meeting my roommate Devika. 

Who, upon finding out Bertine IS a Hitty made this weird squeeking noise...

... and went running out the front door. 

Which meant I had to warn Bertine that Vee is probably NOT the only crazy pixie she's going to meet here. We're all a little nutty. 

So we were chatting about why she wanted to come here, what she wanted to see. Turns out she reads my blog! I'm flattered, and it means she's got fine taste in literature. 

And in comes Devika, with a wagon full of clothes and shoes! 

She explained that when she found out our first Hitty, Hitty Rosabelle Kleider, was coming, she kind of went nuts coming up with dresses for her. And then when she arrived, they were all too big and not a one of them fit her. So she immediately thought they might fit Hitty Bertine!

Bertine thought they were awfully pretty. 

And they fit her PERFECTLY! Devika was so pleased, and I think Bertine was too. Instant wardrobe! 

So, welcome to the Wylde Kingdom, Hitty Bertine Simmons. We are so happy to have you here. 

She's touring the Kingdom now, with Devika. Starting at Vee's plant shop. Leaving me here to contemplate Hitty housing. But I'll come up with something. Something awesome. 

It's what I do.

- Miri

P.S. You should totally check out Hitty Bertine's family, her sister's got a blog and it's found here - The Continuing Adventures of Hitty Caroline. They're an interesting bunch, and there's always something interesting going on. We are so honored to have Hitty Bertine here. Thank you SO MUCH Beth and Caroline. We'll take good care of her. Promise. - Miri