Monday, October 28, 2013

A Quick Blog Entry About Random Stuff

Just a quick entry about random stuff.

Finally took Hitty Bertine to Norm's. It's almost like an unincorporated territory to the Wylde Kingdom, so she might as well see it sooner than later, right?

And, of course, I had to show her the incredible "Wightwick Manor". Not like she wouldn't have seen it. We're having our Halloween party there on Wednesday.

Bertine doesn't quite fit in a lot of pixie houses, so she seemed really enchanted with one that she not only fit in, but felt totally at home in.

I can't get her the Manor to live in, but it did make me think of a definite housing possibility. But before we can start anything new, we've got to finish some stuff first.

Thank goodness for C.J., who did all this work on the Green Elephant while no one was looking. What an industrious fella he is. And Mister Thorne and his sister, Calyx, who will be helping him run the place, were just THRILLED!

I dare say Thorne is even a bit anxious to get moved in! The goal is to have the shop finished for a November 1st grand opening! The apartment upstairs might not be ready, but I guess Thorne said the store is the important part. Holiday sales and all.

So there's a little update. More stuff to tell you about later. As usual.  And if you're lucky, I might even remember to this time.

- Miri