Wednesday, July 25, 2007

About Salem - Pt 5

Syrinx: (sigh) Salem, I've talked to my mechanic and my Ferrari is totaled. You knew what that car meant to me, and I can't imagine what you were thinking. I was certain, when the officer called you Diamandia that you were dead. That he was here to tell me you'd died. And I am very glad that that was not the case, but...

Salem: I am so sorry, Aunt Syri. I am. I'll do anything to pay you back for the car. I'll do all the housework, and clean the bathrooms and I'll have Hana teach me how to cook so I can do that too and...

Syrinx: No, Salem. I can't... I don't want you living her anymore. You're going to have to go back to living with your mother.

Salem: NO! Oh, Aunt Syri, please! No, I can't. You know I can't.

Syrinx: Salem, I am so angry I can barely look at you. You cannot stay here.

Salem: But, Hana said that it was all because of Lacrimosa. Her psychology stuff said I was acting out because I was betrayed...

Syrinx: Really? If you'd like to talk about betrayal, I can tell you all about it. Try having a niece that you love and let live with you who steals the car she KNOWS you love and put all kinds of work into and then totals it. How's THAT for betrayal?

Salem: But, I...

Syrinx: And this has nothing to do with Lacrimosa. She isn't HERE. She did not hold a gun to your head and make you steal my car, Salem. YOU stole my car. YOU wrecked my car. And you have no one to blame for this other than yourself. I'll call your mother and have her come get you. It should take what, an hour for you to pack?

Salem: Please, Aunt Syri. Please, I will do anything. I will work two jobs, with one hand for a while, and I will pay you back for the car. I was completely irresponsible and I am so sorry. I am... please believe me. I'll do anything to show you. I... you're my favorite Aunt, and I... I don't know what to do to make this up to you.

Syrinx: Salem... I am so angry. I cannot believe you would do this to me. I have tried so hard to help you, to support you, and that you would do something so irresponsible... GAH! I don't know what to do with you.

(A voice in Syri's memory)

Rain: ... if you're looking to help her straighten up and fly right, nothing teaches a girl responsibility like horseback riding. I could set her up with a nice little mare, and start her training, and you'd see. She'd be a changed girl in no time!...

Syrinx: Are you serious about working to pay off the car, Salem?

Salem: YES! Oh please, Aunt Syri. I'll do any job. I will.

Syrinx: Well, I might have a possibility for you. You wouldn't have to live with your mom, but you wouldn't be here either. Let me make a phone call...