Monday, July 02, 2007

The Thorne Interviews #2 - Belle

Thorne: Hello once again, Gentle Readers. As many of you already know, my name is Thorne, and I would like to thank you for joining me for the second of my Treehouse interviews.

Thorne: Music is incredibly important here at the Treehouse. Most of the fae and pixies living here play some kind of instrument, from Miranda playing her piano to Taelyn and his... well, not all of us know what instrument we're meant to play yet, but it is a very musical household.

Thorne: Music soothes the savage beast, music calms the frightened fae, and it is one of the primary factors that unites us all here at the Treehouse. This evening's guest is no stranger to the power of music, as she is here specifically studying to be a harper and Bard. I am pleased to introduce, Bard in Training, Miss Jezebel Wintertree

Belle: Hi, Thorne. Thanks for having me. But please, just Belle.

Thorne: Of course. Thank you for joining us, Belle. So, why a Bard?

Belle: My parents would like to know that too. (laugh)

Belle: The Bardic arts have a long, and noble history, in both the human and the fae worlds. Bards are the bringers of news and stories, they entertain, and they educate. Bards can use their music to heal and to calm. Whether it be playing love songs to bring couples together, playing humorous songs to give people the gift of joyful laughter, or performing quiet lullabies to help weary minds rest. I love the idea that music can do all these things, and I wanted to be part of that. To heal and help with music.

Thorne: So what makes a person a Bard? Are there special schools? How do you know when you're a Bard?

Belle: Well, there are schools for Bards, but they're very expensive and... my family just didn't have that kind of money. Not to send a girl to Bard school...

Belle: Anyway, so your best bet now is to find another Bard to teach you. And you know you're a Bard when you can demonstrate the three "Powers of the Bard", which are to be able to cause sleep, laughter and tears with your music alone.

Thorne: Well, I've been known to cause both laughter and tears with my singing. All this time, I should've been looking into Bardic training. (laugh)

Belle: (laughing) Well, I don't know if that's quite how they meant, but you never know. Personally, I believe everyone is a little bit of a Bard. We are all storytellers at heart, whether it's telling bad jokes or telling what happened at work today. Everyone has a little Bard in them.

Thorne: So Bardic talents can take forms other than that of the harp?

Belle: Absolutely! For me, the second I laid my fingers against the strings of my little lady harp here, I knew that was the instrument for me. But Bards play all kinds of instruments. The instrument is not the important part, it is the heart and the music that make the Bard.

Thorne: So, speaking of the music of the Bard....

Thorne: Would you play for us, Belle?

Belle: I would be honored.

Thorne: And what piece will you be playing for us, this evening?

Belle: I've just learned a piece called "The Chanter" and I'd like to play that for you, if that's okay.

Thorne: May I sing along?

Belle: There are no words, sorry.

Thorne: Ah, probably just as well. (smile) Ladies and Gentlemen, Belle Wintertree performing "The Chanter".

Belle Plays - The Chanter

Thorne: And that concludes our special, musical interview for this evening. I would like to thank my guest, Belle Wintertree for joining us. And I would like to thank YOU, Gentle Reader, for joining us as well! See you next time when we learn more about the strange denizens of the Treehouse. Farewell, Gentle Readers. Be well.