Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Halloween Work at Norm's Dollhouse

Now that C&M is successfully up and running, I can get back to my OTHER jobs. First, working at Norm's Dollhouse. 

Not only are we having the C&M Halloween party in the completely amazing, Wightwick Manor, there are also a bunch of new Halloween things to get photographed and up on the webpage so OTHER people can have awesome Halloween stuff too! So I helped with the wreath photographing.

And photographing the books, too.

One of the things we needed a picture of was this awesome crystal ball. And sure enough, I got a vibe about my future while looking in it! I was staring, deeply into the crystal and just got the feeling "I'm going to get yelled at for goofing off." and sure enough, Wendy saw me and said "What are you DOING? Get back to work, slacker!"

Clearly, I am psychic!

"Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy..."

And so ended my Shakespearean actress, career. Ah well. The skulls we got in are pretty cool anyway.

One pretty awesome thing about working at Norm's is the payment plan. Today, I got paid in Halloween candy. How awesome is THAT? So I hung out on the steps of the Lace House and ate nummy Halloween candy.

This job is pretty awesome. Hope you're having a wonderful day out there at your job too, even if you don't get paid in candy.

- Miri