Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Music School Update

So some of you know I had this weird dream about a music school way back in January.

Well, it looks like it just might actually happen!

Just some framing on the windows inside, and the first floor will be DONE!

Just like in the dream, this is going to become a reality with my buddy, Salome Wormwood. She's an amazing piano teacher, and I want this to be her school too.

She's pretty excited too. We're still planning out where everything is going to go, like the pianos and the front desk.

Though I think this is the corner she's decided the front desk should go in. Just under the stairs.

Speaking of the stairs, the upstairs isn't quite as finished at the downstairs.

But it's coming along. This hardwood floor is to die for!

And Salome thinks the acoustics and the light up here will make it perfect for a lesson/practice space. Awesome.

We're pretty much on the same page about everything regarding the music school, actually.

Including that the pink and blue exterior has GOT to go. There'll be stonework to replace the pink. I hope that happens soon. I'll let you know!

Our goal is to be open in time for a Christmas recital, and I think we just might make it! I guess we'll see!

- Miri