Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Miranda and Green Elephant - Pt 2

(When we last left Miranda, she was trying to figure out how to get into the Green Elephant...)

 *There's another door around the back!*

*drat! It's locked too! Sad to see a business so paranoid they have to keep their doors locked all the time.*

*sigh... but there has to be a way in. I'll pay for the bird. I'll leave a note. I'll... hey.*

*I could pay for a window too...*

 *Okay... here we go, Ixie. We'll take the bird, leave a note with the money for the window and the bird and go home.*

*No one is around... no one will know... they brought it on themselves by never being open!*

Male Voice: Miranda?

Miranda: EEP! Oh... hey! Mr. Thorne! Hi there!

Thorne: Hi, Miri. Lovely morning, isn't it?

Miranda: Yes, yes. Um...Mr. Thorne, I've been admiring everything in this store through the windows, but they're never open! Do you know who owns it?

Thorne: As a matter of fact, I do! And you have great timing.

Miranda: I do?

Thorne: You do! This is MY store, and it's now open! Welcome! Please come right in, you're our first customer!

Miranda: *whispering* I'd say that Mr. Thorne is the one with great timing. So um... don't tell him about the rock, okay? Thanks. Shhhh.