Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pictures from a Pixie Halloween Party - Part 1

It was an amazing Halloween party, held in beautiful Wightwick Manor (located in Norm's Dollhouse, Centennial, Colorado).

I don't have any stories to tell, so I'm just uploading a bunch of Madera's pictures. I'll tell you a little about the pixies in them, but it's really just like looking at photo album. I hope it makes you feel like you were there with us, 'cause it was awesome and I wish you had been.

We're definitely having a Christmas party there in December. Definitely.

So here are some pictures of pixies at a Halloween party. Enjoy. :)

 A pair of wallflowers, on either side of a wall. Taelyn came as a mummy, and the blue dress is Calyx being a Goddess I think.

Devika (Taelyn's sister) came as a princess, and oddly enough the mouse who seems to have caught her romantic interest, Lon Pamplemouse, came as a prince. Coincidence? Hmm. :)

Mr. Thorne came dressed as a Huntsman, and took turns dancing with all the ladies. Here, Madera caught him cutting the rug with Ophelia, the spider wrangler.

Dance music was provided by awesome cover band, Wild Honey and the Stingers. They were pretty good! Though there's something familiar about that lead singer and it sort of gives me a creepy feeling. Dunno. They sounded awesome, though.

 CJ Pender wore his Beethoven costume again (okay, so some people say he looks like Einstein, but I think he looks like Beethoven).

I don't know if it counts as a costume if you're already a cat, and just come with a tail on. But I won't say anything to Lily Purrjon about it. She looked very sweet, talking to Echo.

Harley as Batpig, talking to my sister, Juno.

Calyx still being a wallflower.

Lacrymosa came as the most terrifying thing she could think of: a pink princess. I could see that.

Tia, getting up the nerve to start dancing (she's a little shy).

This is Aspen's friend, Terra. She came as a cave pixie, and I think she looks AWESOME! I didn't get to talk to her much at the party, but she seems like a sweetie. And boy can she handle a spear! :)

More pictures soon!

- Miri